Toys Are Overrated

My kids have a whole basement playroom full of all their favorite things: Thomas Trains, dolls, a play kitchen, Hotwheels cars, Barbies, etc. They have a TV to watch movies on, a computer to play games on, and even their dad’s old Nintendo.

So where do they play? In my living room. With cardboard boxes.

I always try to keep my living room relatively clean and toy free, a kind of peaceful resting place in the heart of all the kid-chaos. But as much as I attempt to shoo my kids downstairs, they keep returning to line up their boxes (and my throw pillows) into trains. Pretty soon they start making trips down to the basement and returning with armloads of Leah’s babies for train riders.

It’s not long before my living room is transformed from a place of tranquility into a raucous, toy filled train-yard. Inevitably, playing gives way to a brother/sister wrestling match. Which inevitably leads to a crabby mom and me sending the offenders back downstairs to play with their plethora of toys.

But somehow, when I’m not paying attention, you can be sure that a couple of little kids will creep back upstairs, because playing with cardboard boxes is infinitely more fun than boring old toys.

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