San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

Brain. Tired. Can’t. Write.

I miss my blog.

I miss saying funnyish things. I miss writing snarky irony, and then toning it down a bit so I won’t shock you all.

But my brain is just too tired.

I mean, it turns out starting a church can keep you pretty busy. And then I’ve been doing some freelance writing. Where people pay me dollars to write words.

So all my brain energy has been spent on plotting and scheming for the Kingdom of God and selling my artistic soul for corporate materialism.

(Kidding. I’ve actually been writing for some really cool people. And I now know things about cranes and lawyers and veterinary medicine. Things that I never knew before.)

But I think someday I’ll write just for me again. You know, when life slows down…

See you in 10 years.

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San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

Blogs In the Night

Sometimes when I go to bed, I just lay there and THINK.

But not like normal people think as they gently drift off to sleep.

No, I blog. In my head. When I’ve had coffee too late.

And then, if the sentence structure is really good, or the coffee was really, really strong: then I get up and actually type out my thoughts. Or pieces of my thoughts. And save it to finish later.

But I never do. Because in the morning, it doesn’t seem that profound. Or anything. And somehow, I never actually blog for real.

So I’m just going to post this tonight. Or maybe not.*


*Actually posted in the morning.
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