
Church was really awesome today!  The presence of God totally came down.  We were singing Freedom (“I cry freedom from the chains that bind your children…”) and Clara, our pastor’s wife, felt that God wanted to do a special work of freedom in people and invited them down to the altar.  A lot of people were powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit and the rest of worship was very intense.  It was incredible to see how passionately the church was worshiping the Lord.

Our church had Pastor Appreciation Day today (our schedule prevented us from doing it on the “correct” date).  Our Pastor and his family just came back from Hawaii, so instead of doing corsages, they brought back leis and had all the pastors and their wives wear them.  They were very pretty and smelled really strong.  But it was kind of funny to see my husband wearing flowers while leading worship .  He’s so manly, he can pull it off!

This was our first Pastor Appreciation Day as full time ministers, and it was really a blessing the way people loved us!  You may not realize what it means to your pastor, but it really is a blessing to hear that you are making an impact on people’s hearts.  They had an Italian pot luck after service, which was very yummy and not Weight Watchers friendly at all!

Our pastor taught Isaiah to give him “knuckles” when he was really little and it’s been their thing ever since.  Because they’ve been on vacation, Isaiah hasn’t seen Pastor Bill in a couple weeks.  Today when I got Isaiah out of nursery and brought him into the Sanctuary, Pastor was at the front of the church and there were a bunch of adults blocking the aisle.  I said, “Isaiah, go give Pastor knuckles.”  He put his fist in the air like Mighty Mouse and weaved his way through the people until he got to Pastor.  He went right up to him and gave him knuckles, which of course thrilled Pastor!  It was pretty cute.

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