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I don’t like to drink water. I don’t know why, but it just feels like a chore to me. I’m aware of all the health benefits and its necessity in sustaining life and all that. But I’m still lucky if I get a glass of water in me.

The thing is, even though I don’t like drinking water, I still get thirsty. So my body has to trick me into getting liquids. It isn’t willing to be satisfied with my morning coffee, but since it knows water isn’t much of an option, I find myself craving everything from fruit to yogurt. I’ve gone all day longing for the unattainable perfect food, when what my body really wanted was a glass of water.

But how often do we do the same things to our spirits?

I’ve had times where I felt a restless boredom with life and it was so easy to watch a movie, pick up a book, call a friend, go shopping… anything to distract me and fill my time. All the while, what my spirit was really craving was the washing of the Word, the streams of deliverance, the river of Jesus’ presence.

Have you ever needed direction, so you ran around getting advice from every person you knew; when the real solution was to still your heart and hear the voice of the Lord? Have you ever been depressed and sought solace in sleep, in food, in music; when Jesus was just waiting to comfort you in His arms? Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Lord, so you bought the latest Christian best-seller; when Holy Spirit was longing to reveal Himself to you through your Bible?

The examples are endless, but I think you get my point. We are so quick to sell ourselves short and settle for good things that will temporarily meet the need, but in the long run just leave us empty again. We neglect what is necessary to sustain our souls (intimacy with the Father), and then wonder why we can’t seem to feel fulfilled. We are trying to satisfy our spiritual thirst with a piece of fruit, when Holy Spirit is offering us a glass of water.

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Grace, Grace

The guy leading the intercession set at IHOP just commented that the Lord spoke to him through his Bible reading that morning. Then he admitted that he was 2 days behind in his daily Bible reading plan, but that God knew that and used it to speak to him.

I thought that was just another cool illustration of how God isn’t after our works… He’s after our hearts! The Lord didn’t say, “Well, I had a word for you, but you’re not on
schedule with your reading, so I’m not going to reveal it too you!” Jesus didn’t care that the guy was behind in his Bible reading plan. He just wanted to speak to him where he was at.

The Lord is so amazing and graceful! Much more so than we give Him credit for. We’re harder taskmasters for ourselves and our spirituality than He ever is. It makes me think of a line commonly found in Gospel music, “He’s been better to me than I’ve been to myself!”

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Not to seem harsh, but…

Something that really bugs me is when people call themselves Christians, but don’t see the need for their Christianity to affect the way they live their lives. Basically they want to live for their flesh and the devil every day of the week (except maybe Sunday) and still have the end reward of heaven… as if that was all we are living for, anyway.

I’m all for grace… it’s pretty much the most amazing thing in my life! But I hate how we use grace to justify partaking of stuff that is essentially destroying our hearts. It seems we weigh our actions based on whether they’ll cause us to lose our salvation or not (and if we’re in the “eternal security” camp, we’re really sitting pretty), rather than making our decisions based on what’s going to draw us into deeper relationship with Jesus.

All that to preface my appreciation for Romans 8:1 & 3-4

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For what the law could not do… God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who live according to the Spirit.

The first part is really familiar… “no condemnation to those who are in Christ.” But we leave off the qualifying aspect of walking according to the Spirit. Verses 3-4 make it even clearer that Jesus fulfilled the law, paid the price, for those who live according to the Spirit! I just don’t see room in this passage for living however we want and then sneaking into heaven under a cloak of “grace.”

Now, understand, in no way do I think these verses are advocating an “earn your way into heaven” mentality. To me, it’s so much more about who has control of our lives. Are we allowing our flesh to pull us around by the nose, or is Holy Spirit the One who motivates our life choices? Because, from what I read in this passage, if it isn’t Holy Spirit, then we’re not in Christ. And if we’re not in Christ, that’s not good.

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You might not have liked Jesus…

I’m not very faithful in reading other people’s blogs (except my husband’s, but that’s probably only because he’s so cute). But John Mark McMillan always has such interesting blog titles that he’s snared me in more than once. Besides, it’s a safe bet that, loving his lyrics as much as I do, I’m bound to be intrigued by his other writing as well. Today was no exception and I wanted to pass an excerpt on to you:
Jesus isn’t exactly so safe himself: He might spit in your eyes (Mark 8:23), he might call you a dog (Matt 15:26), he may ask you to do things that you can’t do (Matt 14:29), he might bring 120 gallons of wine to a party where people have been drinking all day (John 2), he may lead you to open sea in a storm (Mark 4:37), he might change your life then ask you not to tell any one (Luke 8:56), he and his friends might get arrested (John 18:12), he might offend your friends (John 6:66), he might insult the “righteous” people (Matt 23:27), he might let guilty people off the hook (John 8:10-11), he might offend his own family members (Luke 8:19-21, 14:26), he might hang out with people you don’t like (Luke 19:7), he might start a riot (John 2:15), he might use toilet speak to support a spiritual principle (Mark 7:20), he might tell you that what you’ve believed your whole life is wrong (John 3), he might use offensive language at the dinner table (Luke 11).
The way I see it, Jesus is anything but safe, but he’s never boring! And isn’t that what we really want?

I like that. Jesus did what the Father was doing regardless of how it appeared to others, regardless of who it bothered. I wonder what would happen if I lived like that?

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My husband, the celebrity ;)

So, like I said in my last blog, Chris got to lead worship on a live TV show last Thursday night.  The team sounded great and it went really smooth.  The TV people said they wanted them to come back sometime.  And one of the crew told Chris, “Man, that was TOUGH!”  I think he meant it like it was wicked or hard core, since he said it with a huge smile!

A little secret?  My husband wore makeup!  Granted, it was stage makeup, but still!  :D

If you want to see Chris leading worship on TV, he finally posted it on his blog, so click here to watch!

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Memorial Day Fun

We had our annual Memorial Day church picnic today! I’m not a big out-doors kind of girl, so I kind of avoid picnics in general, because obviously you have to be outside to participate. However, our church picnics are held at a place with an air conditioned, fully functional restroomed building. So I can stay inside, avoiding sunburn, and eat all of the awesome food.Speaking of which, I LOVE potlucks. Well, really I love all food, but especially when everyone prepares their best dish and brings it to share. My favorites today were a spicy cheese pasta and a fabulous lemon-pudding-cake-blackberry thing. I was so stuffed, but oh so happy!

Other nice things… The weather was kind of cloudy so no one got burned, even if they went outside. Isaiah is finally old enough that he can run off and play with his friends without me worrying that he’ll leave the park. And Leah is so cute that everyone in the church is happy to carry her around, so I don’t have to worry too much about her either.

We ended the day with a baptism service in the lake. Our whole group joined hands at the waters edge for prayer and my pastor’s wife snagged a couple of sun bathers to join us. Then the baptizers and the baptizees stepped into the water. Chris got to baptize one of our youth and I’m super proud of her. Probably the most exciting part is that a couple friends of our church people came to the picnic and ended up deciding to get baptized at the last minute!

These pictures are of the kids in the car on the way and later playing at the picnic:

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Close But No Cigar

You have to love the favor of the Lord. Chris and I see it in a bunch of ways in our life. One of our favorites is what we call “line anointing.” We’ve noticed a consistent pattern when we get in line to buy something or be helped in some way (food, airports, etc.), we get to walk right up to the counter or maybe have to only wait on one or two people. The crazy thing is, as soon as we get in line, suddenly there are about 15 people waiting behind us. This happens on at least on a weekly basis. We haven’t quite sorted out if God holds the people back until we get in line or if they’re drawn to the presence of God in us and suddenly want ice cream too! I’m kidding… a little.

So the line anointing is fun. Last night, however, we saw a really awesome display of God’s favor and protection. We live on a curve of a frequently used road. Our garage doesn’t really work, so we park our car on the curve. We were sleeping when Chris and I both woke with a start at the sound of squealing tires. I mumbled something and went back to sleep, but Chris said he knew whatever had happened was really close and listened as a car revved it’s engine and peeled off again. He didn’t worry, because he knew he hadn’t heard any kind of collision.

This morning when we went outside to go to church we saw skid marks on the road and deep tire tracks on the gravel behind our car. Basically, a car had kept going straight where they should have curved with the road. The crazy thing is, if their trajectory had been a foot to the left, they would have smashed straight into the side of our car and as it was, they only stopped a couple feet from our garage (not that that would have been as serious for us). It was so close, Chris almost didn’t point it out to me, not wanting to freak me out. I told him, “Why would it worry me? Jesus’ took care of us! No harm done.” I so love serving Jesus… He’s wonderful!

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Water Babies

We had a baptism service at our church and I have to say it was one of the best I’ve been a part of. What I loved was that they encouraged everyone to gather around the tank and gave the opportunity for people to share a word or Scripture with the person being baptized. This gave the baptism service a wonderful community feel. Instead of the congregation watching from a distance, we were all a part of affirming the witness of those getting baptized and partnering with them in their future walk. Super cool!

After the service, we ran by the grocery store to pick up some milk and ice cream for a snack. I noticed one of those cheap Barbies for $1. I handed it to Leah and her eyes got wide with wonder. She hugged it right there in the plastic package, so of course we got it for her. Her first Barbie! When we got in the car, Isaiah asked to see it and I handed it to him. Leah about lost herself… she knew that Barbie was hers and she wasn’t sharing! The whole way home we worked on saying Barbie which accomplished by saying a combination of baby and bye-bye. Something like, “Bay-bye”. I’m so happy; my daughter likes Barbies!

Isaiah, on the other hand likes monkeys. We got him the Disney version of Tarzan and he’s been watching it every day for the past couple weeks. Apparently the life Tarzan leads being raised by gorillas looks pretty exciting, because Isaiah has started to tell me, “Mommy, I want monkeys to have me!”

We have some friends that just moved to our area, so we went into Pittsburgh with them on Saturday. Here are pictures of my babies playing by the fountain in Station Square:

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Sixpence None the Richer is apparently back together! I know 95% of you are probably saying, “so what?” But to me this is the best news ever, even if it’s old news, since I found this out by stumbling across their myspace. Ever since they broke up, there hasn’t been another band to compare both stylistically and lyrically. Except maybe Kevin Max or John Mark McMillan, but that is another story. Back to Sixpence… even Leigh Nash’s solo project didn’t fill the void. So I’m super happy about this. Can’t wait for an album!

In other, actually more exciting news, we’ve been seeing an incredible move of healing in our church. Over the past few months, we’ve had 8 people healed of cancer or the threat of cancer. I’m talking about situations where the doctors see a tumor on a scan and tell the person to prepare for the worst, but when the doctors go to do another test, the tumor is gone… awesome stuff like that! We’ve also seen 3 serious heart conditions healed and one person followed up their healing by praying for the person in the hospital bed next to them and the roommate’s heart was healed as well. Wow! I’m so excited to see where this is all going.

Well, I need to go put a shoe on my daughter. No longer does she just carry the shoes around to feed her footwear obsession. Now she brings them to me to put on her. It doesn’t matter if she already has footed PJ’s on or even another shoe, I’d better put on her the shoe she brings me, or she’s going to be seriously disturbed.

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PA Thinks I Can Drive…

I’m now an official PA resident, as proved by my drivers license.  We finally got them changed over today.  A lady at the DMV (or DOT or whatever it’s called) overheard us saying we moved from CA and she exclaimed, “Why in the world did you do that?!”  Yeah.  But weather challenges aside, we are so thrilled to be in PA!  We love our church and what God is doing here.  We can totally see God’s hand on this whole transition and we are having so much fun!

Except… Chris saw a snake outside our back door.  He assured me it wasn’t poisonous, because its eyes weren’t slanty. I don’t want to get close enough to a snake to see its eyes.  I hate snakes!  Now, when I take Chester outside, I’m petrified that I’m going to step on a snake, especially when it’s dark.  Whenever we get our own house, it needs to be in the city, surrounded by cement, with no wildlife or nature or any of that nasty stuff.  I love the line in the movie “Madagascar” where one of the animals freaks out and exclaims, “Nature! It’s all over me! Get it off!”  That’s totally my life motto.

Leah’s trying to figure out how to crawl.  She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth.  My days of peace are almost over!  She can also sit up by herself pretty well.  I still have to sit behind her, because she randomly throws herself backwards and that would really stink if I wasn’t there to catch her.

Click here to watch the movie of Isaiah’s Mother’s Day performance that I promised you!

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