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Never dull…

So I was shopping for a new dog today. Not because we want another one. No… it was because Chester ran away. His lead broke and he disappeared into the woods. He’d only been gone for about 15 minutes when we realized it, but a dog can get far in 15 minutes. Especially when he’s got open woods for miles.

Chris went looking for him, but he eventually gave up and came back. I was all positive, and said, “Maybe he’ll come back!” But Chris was pretty sure his nose would keep him chasing stuff permanently. Our biggest concern (besides not wanting Chester to suffer or something) was how Isaiah would take it.

It didn’t take him too long to ask, “Where’s Chester?” We already had a speech prepared, so Chris told him how Chester went to play with the other animals and that he might not come back if he made lots of animal friends. Isaiah had my positiveness. He said, “Chester will come back.” A little later he told me, “Chester want to come back, be with Mommy, Daddy, Isaiah, Baby Sister!” I tried to tell him Chester might like his new animal friends better.

So that was when I started looking online at dog breeds. At first Chris had said we would wait a while before we got another dog, but with Isaiah being so concerned, we started thinking we might need something to distract him. I shied pretty clear of anything houndish or big. The last thing we need is a dog who loves his nose more than his family.

As I was searching for something small, low maintenance, good with children, and not butt ugly, Chris heard a bark! He ran outside, but if it was Chester, he was super far away. We put Isaiah down for his nap and then heard more barking that was definitely Chester! Chris decided to walk along the road in the direction it came from.

About 20 minutes later he came back and announced, “The prodigal has returned.” He had found the dog by following his barks. All in all, Chester had been missing for about 3 hours. When Chris found him, he thought Chester was hurt at first because he acted all droopy, but it turned out he just felt guilty. He knew he’d been bad.

So it turned out OK. I had helped Isaiah pray that Chester would come back safe and I guess Jesus couldn’t refuse the prayers of a sweet little boy… and girl, because if Leah had understood, she would have been praying too. She loves Chester better than any of us!

Isaiah is so full of conversation and new expressions. The other day I asked him to do something, which he didn’t hear. He came over to me and said, “What did you say?” Whenever we say, “Isaiah,” he answers, “Why?” It’s pretty funny. He has also started saying “well”. He’ll be telling me something about his trains and he’ll say, “Well… Percy is over here.” He’s also really into “scary” stuff, like dinosaurs that roar and suspenseful moments in his little movies.

Leah finally figured out solid food is a meal, not appetizer before nursing. She likes bananas and oatmeal the best, but has also tried applesauce and carrots. She is working on her sitting up skills and she looks like she will crawl soon. She talks and screams a lot!

We’re really enjoying PA life! Especially as it’s finally warmed up! We’ve been to downtown Pittsburgh a bunch now, but always for events and stuff. We still haven’t gotten to explore the city the way we want to. Chris’ brother is coming to visit us next weekend, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to look around it with him.

God’s doing a lot in our church. It seems like every week the atmosphere is different. It’s wonderful to see how the Lord brought us all together with this church to accomplish great things for His Kingdom!

Something else I like about living in Pittsburgh is that we get a lot of cool speakers and events into our area, because it is more conveniently located than CA was. We got to go hear Lila Terhune (one of our teachers from BRSM) this weekend. It was great to see her again and hear her laugh! It was cool because some of the stuff that she was teaching in her session was the same stuff our Pastor preached the next Sunday and he hadn’t heard her speak!

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What I Will Miss About CA

Chris and I love California! Excited as we are about the new adventure the Lord has for us, we are definitely going to miss what we are sure is the most beautiful state in the US. So I have compiled a list of the things that make me sad to leave CA behind.

~ Fervent youth: Of course we will insanely miss each one of them!

~ The gorgeous scenery: Rocky beaches, beautiful mountains, etc.

~ Authentic Mexican food: Specifically Taqueria El Gallo De Oro.

~ The weather: The year round average temperature is 68 degrees!

~ The California aura: Everybody thinks you are cool because you live in CA… you even think you are cool because you live in CA.

~ Wearing flip-flops year round: See the above entry on the weather.

~ Access to fun places: 30 minutes from Santa Cruz, an hour and a half from San Francisco, and only 5 hours from LA.

What I won’t miss about CA:
CA politics.
The medical community.
Having to fly all day to get anywhere.

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So Sad/So Excited

Last night Chris and I announced our resignation at our church in CA. It was an incredibly sad night, as we love our youth here so much. We’ve been in CA a little over 2 years and we have seen God do amazing things in the lives of each of them. We’ve made wonderful friends and loved every minute of the time God gave us here.

It’s easy to leave a church when you are mad about something (which is the wrong reason, anyway), but it is very difficult leaving when you have a wonderful church like ours. Sanctuary has loved us, blessed us, and inspired us. We are going to miss these people dearly.

Last November, our senior pastor resigned to take a church in Pittsburgh, PA. He has invited us to join him as his youth pastors. We have accepted his offer and will be moving to Pittsburgh at the end of February.

We have put a lot of time and prayer into this decision and we know this is what Jesus has for us. The relationship that we have with Pastor Bill and Clara is something that the Lord has placed together and we feel called to continue to serve with them.

We are really excited about our move to PA, even if it is taking us away from beautiful Cali! Actually, the Pittsburgh area is beautiful also, but much colder. Isaiah loves the snow and it shouldn’t take me too long to readjust to frigid temperatures. The church out there is very ministry driven, so that should be a fun challenge.

Next Friday, Feb. 23, will be our last youth service and the next Sunday, Feb. 25, will be our last day at Sanctuary. If you are from our area, please stop by and say good-bye to us!

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Chris’ parents visited us over the weekend.  Isaiah was really excited to see them.  When he saw them coming down the escalator at the airport, he shouted, “Papa Gran!”  All weekend he called both of them  “Papa-Gran.”  I guess it was easier than remembering which name went with which person.  They brought him a couple Thomas trains and the big crane for his set, so he was happily spoiled.  They also brought a bunch of cute girl-baby out fits for Leah, but that is more spoiling me than her.  She’s not real into clothes yet.

Since Chris’ parents were here, we asked Pastor to dedicate our children.  It’s really sad that Isaiah is almost three, but he still hasn’t been dedicated.  Shortly after he was born, our church in WI went through a time of transition and there really wasn’t anyone to dedicate him.  By the time we moved to Cali, he was almost one and it just wasn’t at the top of our priority list at that point.  So when Leah was born, we decided we were going to get her dedicated right away, and Isaiah too!

Here are some pictures from their dedication:

Chris’ has only been home to eat and sleep the last couple days.  The Hell House is tonight and he’s working like crazy to take care of all the details.  I haven’t really been able to help him with much because of Leah and Isaiah.

I haven’t even seen the house yet, because I’m scared that Isaiah would get lost in it.  What they do is cover a bunch of rooms in the church with black plastic, so it is kind of like a cave.  It’s very dark and winding and easy to lose a little boy in.  Isaiah went over the other night with Papa and Gran to see the work that was done.  He saw that they had black plastic-ed over the nursery.  He got very upset, because he thought the nursery was gone.  He cried all the way home .

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The Baby Is Coming! The Baby Is Coming!

When we first found out that we were expecting another baby, we went out and bought Isaiah a doll to “practice” on. Needless to say, the doll didn’t get much love from our manly-man of a son and you can usually find it in some corner, laying on it’s face. I guess Chester never took good look at the doll (which was advertised as having realistic eyes) until the other night. I was holding the doll (after Isaiah had dumped it in my lap) and Chester got his first look at those “realistic eyes”. He tentatively sniffed the doll, checking for life, and got a good whiff of plastic and baby powder scent. The combo of “real” eyes and fake smell must have been too much for him, because he jumped back and started barking at the doll. He was really freaked out, growling and acting very aggressive toward it. It was the funniest thing I’d ever seen!

Speaking of practicing for the baby, we only have 5 weeks to go. Chris has the room all painted and we’re starting to get it set up. Right now, Isaiah is helping him put together the new changing table . Our church is throwing us a shower in a couple weeks, so that will be lots of fun! I just don’t think we are mentally ready. It’s hard to believe that in a month, we’ll have a new little baby around. When we were expecting Isaiah, it was just Chris and I, but this time we have Isaiah and Chester to distract us and keep us busy, so we aren’t quite as focused on the coming baby. Hopefully she won’t be too much of a culture shock!

Chris commented today that this is Isaiah’s last month of being an only child. I hadn’t looked at it like that, and it’s kind of sad… or at least weird. So we are trying to spend some extra time doing little family excursions. Today we went to Monterey and did amazing toddler activities. We visited the Dennis The Menace playground, ate a Happy Meal, saw the “water” (commonly known as the ocean), and bought chocolate rocks at the candy shop. On the way home, we asked him if he had fun and he said, “Yeah, fun!”

Another distraction from babyness is our youth’s Hell House. It’s going to be a week after Leah is due, so Chris is doing as much planning now as possible to keep it from becoming stressful at the end. I’ve been writing the scripts and he’s been making floor plans, shopping for costumes and working on promo. The Hell House is a great tool to present the Gospel… last year we had 80% of the visitors make a decision for Christ! It looks like this year is going to be even better than last year! Just watch out for the new-dad/sleep-deprived youth pastor that’s going to be running it! If you would like, check out!

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Kid Stuff

Isaiah talks so well now! He copies a lot of things we say. He hears Chris and I call each other “Babe,” so he’s been wandering around the house looking for one of us, calling out “Babe! Babe! Whe’ are you, Babe?” It’s so cute, I can hardly bare to correct his mistake. He also plays little scenarios with himself, where he’ll cry like he’s hurt and then ask in a more mature voice, “You OK?” or “Wha’s wrong?” His newest thing is when he gets frustrated with himself, he’ll say “Isaiah!” or “Isaiah, what are you doing?!” I can tell that most of the time he’s copying how I talk to him, which is interesting, to say the least.

It’s about two months until the baby should get here! My doctor has me coming in every two weeks now, so it’s definitely getting close. I feel absolutely huge, but everyone tells me I look great, so at least the rest of the world doesn’t mind. I can tell that Leah has gotten really big in the last couple of weeks. She’s gone from power kicking to just being able to squirm and push her feet against my stomach. If we poke at her, she can’t move away to escape, so we can wake her up and make her move almost whenever we want. But don’t worry, we don’t pick on her unnecessarily. It’s just nice when I think to myself, “I haven’t felt the baby move in a while,” and all I have to do is change positions or jiggle my belly a little to ascertain that she’s still in there.

Chris is buying the paint for the nursery today. It’s going to be a pale sage green and her bedding and decorations are going to be in pink and white. I’m actually drawing pictures for her walls, which is astounding in itself, since I haven’t done any art since Isaiah was born. They’re going to be of big pink daisies. I’ll scan them when they’re finished, for your viewing pleasure.

Isaiah is getting ready for the baby too. We were at church and someone asked him where the baby was. He looked all around for a baby and couldn’t see one. Then we asked, “Where is baby Leah?” His face lit up and with a little grin, he pointed to my belly. He needed us to explain which baby we were talking about.

We had an awesome youth service on Friday! The presence of God was really felt during worship and that set the tone for the whole night. A couple of kids gave/rededicated their lives to the Lord! And a bunch more committed themselves to accomplishing things for God. We are so proud of all of our youth and what we see God doing in their lives! Who knew we’d love youth ministry so much?

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Numbers, Showers and Jesus

Isaiah is really learning his numbers! He has counted all the way to 10 more than once. Tonight, Chris had “21” on his shirt. He was changing Isaiah and Isaiah pointed to the 1 and said “one!” Then he pointed to the 2 and said “two!” We knew he had memorized the names of numbers, but we had no idea that he also recognized number symbols. Last night, Chris was praying with Isaiah before bed. He was having Isaiah repeat after him to pray. He said, “Say, ‘Thank you for…'” and Isaiah said, “five, six.”

Our church always has co-ed wedding and baby showers. We’re not sure why we do it that way, because the guys always complain (even though they come). We had a baby shower for our pastor’s secretary, yesterday. Chris experienced a major milestone in life. He won his first door prize at a shower! They had a game where they lined up six of the guys and gave each of them a baby bottle full of orange juice, and whoever downed it first was supposed to be the winner. It turned out to be harder than they expected, and a couple of guys ran out of patience. They figured out ways to beat the system, so they got disqualified. Chris managed to drink the most, so he won! We have a Glade car air freshener in our Jeep to prove it .

It seems like God is really stirring things up in our church and we’re very excited about it! There is a fresh intensity in both our youth church and “big” church. The presence of God can be felt in our times of worship, and you can tell people are breaking though! I’ve also noticed that our prayer times before our Sunday AM services have also really intensified. People are sharing testimonies with us of how God is enabling them to put the Word into action in their day-to-day lives. It’s very exciting and I can’t wait to see where He is going to take us!

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Hotness and A Movie

All my bragging about our great weather has finally come back to bite me.  We’ve been having a little heat wave!  It probably wouldn’t be that bad, but because we only have a few hot days a year, no one has air conditioning.  Even our church and the mall don’t have it.  The only places that seem to have air are restaurants, doctors’ offices and movie theaters.  Being pregnant doesn’t help with handling the heat, either.

On Saturday, we decided to beat the heat by taking Isaiah to his first movie!  Every time he’s seen any kind of promotion for the movie Cars, he’s gotten all excited.  We had been hesitant to take him, because it is a 2 hour movie, but we decided that we’d go for a matinée and just stay as long as he could handle.

He was amazed by the theater itself, with it’s rows and rows of chairs and the huge screen at the front.  It was cute, because he wasn’t heavy enough to keep the seat down with his own weight, so it would fold up on him.  At first he was a little startled at how big the movie was.  I think he thought the cars were coming right at him!  Once he got used to it, he really enjoyed it!  He lasted a full hour, but then he said he wanted to go.  He just couldn’t sit still any more!

I went to the doctor on Monday and she said that she was going to leave my due date the same (even though the ultrasound put it back 7 days).  We’ve been cashing in on end of summer clearance for Leah.  We’ve gotten a few really cute outfits for next summer.  Chris swears this little girl is going to make him go broke, because all the little dresses are so hard for me to resist.

My husband is leaving me again.  He’s taking our kids up to Redding for the youth conference at Bethel.  This trip won’t be so bad, because he’s leaving late this afternoon and coming back Saturday afternoon.  So it will only be 2 full days that I won’t see him.  I’ve stocked up on chick flicks (my typical loneliness therapy), so “I will survive.”

We went to Chili’s last night as a “farewell” celebration.  I am still in love with their chips and salsa with a side of ranch.  I don’t know why I order a meal, because I just fill up on the chips anyway…  I love them so much!  Isaiah sat like a big boy in the booth.  He actually did pretty good!

Isaiah still delights in tormenting our dog.  He likes to call Chester into his room, shut the door, and then chase him around the room with his toy chainsaw (or any other toy that will freak the dog out).  When we realize what is going on, we go and release the dog and he runs out of the room like a bolt of lightening.  Today, Isaiah was outside chasing Chester with one of his push cars.  Chester was carrying an apple in his mouth and dropped it.  Isaiah ran over the apple and then said, “Oh, sorry!”  As he continued to chase Chester, he kept yelling out to him, “Watch out!  Watch out!”  You’d think Chester wouldn’t want to play with Isaiah, but even though he seems a little annoyed, his tail wags the whole time.  It’s true brotherly love!

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Baby Belly!

My belly has gotten a lot bigger lately!  I’m probably actually bigger than in this picture from a week ago.  The baby is kicking a lot higher and a lot harder, so it must be growing fast!  It was kicking so hard the other night that Chris could see my belly moving from across the room.  We hope to schedule our ultrasound in the next couple days.

We had a really wonderful service at church on Sunday!  Holy Spirit came down in worship, and by the end people seemed to step into a fresh measure of freedom.  After the sermon, we had a water baptism service.  It was exciting, because almost everyone that we baptized has gotten saved in the past couple years or even months.  We’ve all seen the work that God is doing in their lives, so it was such a blessing to see them publicize their faith.  I love real conversions, where the people get saved, get discipled and become great men and women of God!

Last night the whole church went over to our Pastor’s house for his birthday party.  They have a big trampoline which Isaiah loved.  Jumping is his passion in life, so it was the perfect place for him to play.  Chris and I had to take turns the whole night chasing him.  He’s big enough to play on his own, but not big enough to have the common sense not to run off into the woods.  We still had fun, though.

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Happy Easter!

We’ve had a really good Easter. This year I’ve been praying for a fresh revelation of Jesus and I feel that some aspects of the Easter story have become reality in a new way for me. Sometimes when you’ve been raised a Christian, stories and practices become rote, with little feeling or meaning behind them.

I told Chris a couple weeks ago, that Communion has always been kind of boring and lifeless to me. I’m not saying that’s good, but it was just how I felt. My husband has always loved Communion (so he was probably shocked at my lack of spirituality). He taught our youth about the Last Supper on Friday night and followed it up by having the kids take Communion. It was a really holy time and the presence of the Lord filled the sanctuary. It was one of the best Communions I had ever experienced, just taking in what Jesus had done for me. This morning we took Communion during our Easter service, and once again I really appreciated this time of remembering. So I’m no longer a Communion cynic !

Our kids love Easter! I don’t know why a basket of goodies is such a thrill, especially to a dog, but it is! Chester was about to wag his tail off because he was so excited. He’s spent the rest of the afternoon trying to destroy every toy we got him, but that’s what makes him happy!

Isaiah got pretty excited about all his treats too. I got him one of those little basketball hoops that you can put on a window or mirror with suction cups. He’s been finding every ball in the house and throwing it through the hoop! He also got some bubbles and he has the best time trying to pop them as Chris blows them.

We also had a little Easter egg hunt for Isaiah in the house. Chris needed to walk him through the process of finding them, but by the end he was really starting to understand. He got all excited with every egg he found. Pretty soon he figured out there were jelly beans inside each egg, so he wanted to open them all as he found them. The picture is of him with his basket of spoils and a mouth full of candy!

He has started playing a new game with us. I was changing him and he said, “Weady? ARRRRGGHH!!!” I screamed like he “scared” me, which made him laugh like crazy. He kept asking me if I was “ready?” and then he’d let out a big scream and I’d have to act all scared. When I was done changing him he came in the family room and played some more with Chris.

Isaiah is becoming a big helper. He will throw things in the garbage for us, picks up things when we ask him, closes doors, and he even tries to put his own shoes on. I’m just waiting for the day I can have him start cleaning the bathrooms .

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