San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

Close But No Cigar

You have to love the favor of the Lord. Chris and I see it in a bunch of ways in our life. One of our favorites is what we call “line anointing.” We’ve noticed a consistent pattern when we get in line to buy something or be helped in some way (food, airports, etc.), we get to walk right up to the counter or maybe have to only wait on one or two people. The crazy thing is, as soon as we get in line, suddenly there are about 15 people waiting behind us. This happens on at least on a weekly basis. We haven’t quite sorted out if God holds the people back until we get in line or if they’re drawn to the presence of God in us and suddenly want ice cream too! I’m kidding… a little.

So the line anointing is fun. Last night, however, we saw a really awesome display of God’s favor and protection. We live on a curve of a frequently used road. Our garage doesn’t really work, so we park our car on the curve. We were sleeping when Chris and I both woke with a start at the sound of squealing tires. I mumbled something and went back to sleep, but Chris said he knew whatever had happened was really close and listened as a car revved it’s engine and peeled off again. He didn’t worry, because he knew he hadn’t heard any kind of collision.

This morning when we went outside to go to church we saw skid marks on the road and deep tire tracks on the gravel behind our car. Basically, a car had kept going straight where they should have curved with the road. The crazy thing is, if their trajectory had been a foot to the left, they would have smashed straight into the side of our car and as it was, they only stopped a couple feet from our garage (not that that would have been as serious for us). It was so close, Chris almost didn’t point it out to me, not wanting to freak me out. I told him, “Why would it worry me? Jesus’ took care of us! No harm done.” I so love serving Jesus… He’s wonderful!

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