Visit with Santa Clause

We took Isaiah and Leah to the library for the kids’ Christmas party, featuring a visit from Santa Clause.  Most of the kids screamed, or at least got very shy, when it was their turn to sit on Santa’s lap.  But not my son.  He came running up to Santa waving his Christmas Bingo sheet (from the game they had played before Santa’s arrival) and began telling Santa all about it, complete with how to play.  Isaiah’s definitely a people person!

Leah did OK too.  She was annoyed when I set her down in Santa’s lap, but after a bit of protest she ignored him and went back to her lolly-pop.  Santa was probably annoyed that I sat a sticky one year old in his lap!  He probably labeled me as one of THOSE parents.

The kids each got a stuffed polar bear wearing a Christmas hat and scarf from Santa.  Now, if you’ve been following our family saga, you know that Isaiah’s favorite buddy is a beanie-baby sized monkey named Mee-Mee.  Chris’ mom stumbled across a bigger version of the monkey, made by the same company.  So when she sent it to Isaiah, we told him it was Mee-Mee’s dad.  When we asked Isaiah what Mee-Mee wanted for Christmas, he said, “Mee-Mee want his mom!”  We tried to figure out how we could pull that off.

So back to the polar bear.  I was talking with him about his new bear and he informed me that it was Mee-Mee’s mom!  I asked if that meant she was Mee-Mee’s dad’s wife.  Isaiah thought about it for a minute and then said, “Yeah, he is!”  So Mee-Mee has his mom!

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