San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

First Day of the Rest of Her Life

Today was way less traumatic than last year.

Back to school, that is.

Everyone got ready in plenty of time and I even managed to eat breakfast before taking the kids to school. Nobody had a meltdown when we insisted on taking pictures. I found a parking spot right next to the school. And they let me walk the kids to class.

Yes, on the way, I did somehow manage to dump all the contents of my purse on the floor of my car. Still, compared to all the things that went right, it was minor.

But I feel kind of guilty, a little bit. Because I didn’t cry.

I mean, every mom is supposed to cry when they put their baby into Kindergarten, right? I thought it was a rule or something.

But no. I just cheerily shoved her into class. She gave me a kiss before going to see the guinea pigs. And that was it.

Leah is joining Isaiah at the same school he attended last year. The office staff all know my face and which kid is associated with that face. I mean, everyone knows Isaiah.

So Leah is already known by association. You can’t imagine how many times teachers and staff have ooh-ed and ah-ed, saying, “Isaiah! Is this your sister? Is she coming to school here too? What’s her name?!” Which might annoy some younger siblings, but I can tell Leah loves it.

Now it’s Leah’s turn to make a name for herself. By the end of the year, some people might even refer to Isaiah as “Leah’s brother.” And I think that’s why I didn’t cry.

Because growing up really is a beautiful thing.



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San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

Back to School with a Side of Nightmare

Louisville needs Jesus. And a revamp to the school bus system.

To ensure diversity (or something) Louisville doesn’t automatically put kids in the school by their house. Instead, they randomly pick a school somewhere in a 20 mile radius and deposit them there. Which, in and of itself, is dumb.

So then they have to bus all these kids to random schools. The system they use involves students riding 2 buses each way, and changing buses at a bus depot. When your son is in first grade, this doesn’t make you feel cheery inside.

So when Isaiah got his bus assignment, it looked like he was going to have to ride over an hour one way to get to school. His school is 12 minutes away. NOT CHEERY INSIDE.

We had decided that he would ride the bus to school and I would pick him up from school so that he got home before 5 o’clock.

Then a miracle happened. The bus depot called and gave me a new stop and bus number, where he would only ride one bus to school and only be on the bus for a little more than 30 minutes. It seemed to good to be true!

It was.

The bus pulled up to his stop (only about 30 minutes late) and I asked the driver if it was going to Isaiah’s school. He said that it went to a completely different school.

So Isaiah started crying. Leah started crying (I have no idea why) and Mommy felt like crying (for obvious reasons).

I piled the kids into the car and managed to get to the school on time (this is how I know it’s only 12 minutes away). I got Isaiah to class and then waited an hour in the school office, only to be told that I was going to have to go back to the original plan of my son riding a school bus for over an hour each morning.

The ladies in the office were super nice and tried to reassure me that their kids all rode two buses, half-way across town and have now grown up to be productive members of society. I’m sure that’s true, but it didn’t really make me feel better.

Oh, and on top of all that? When I left the school at 10:15 AM, there were still buses that hadn’t arrived. There were kids that wound up at our school, who should have ridden to other schools across the city and there were kids from our school that ended up at other schools. Scary.

Yes, I’m whining. It was a rough morning.

So now I’m begging my husband to let me drive Isaiah to and from school. Chris is concerned about gas (obviously), but Jesus can totally multiply that, don’t you think?

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