My Chitlins

Well, this blog is long overdue, since everyone wants updates on the baby! Leah is growing fast.  Her face is getting fuller and she seems bigger.  I think she gets prettier every day too.  She is working on her neck muscles… when she lays on her tummy, she can lift her head up and turn it to the other side.  This is a big deal when you are only 3 weeks old and haven’t even reached your due date yet .

As she gets older, she gets more opinionated.  She really likes her pacifier (we call it a nu-nu at our house), but she can’t keep it in her mouth and she cries when it falls out.  We used to give it to her when we put her to bed, but we’ve had to quit, because it gets very annoying to get out of bed 10 times to pop it back in her mouth.  We’ve also had eating battles.  For some reason she hasn’t been too fond of nursing and she hasn’t been afraid to let me know.  We’re getting there, slow but sure.

Isaiah is so stinkin’ smart.  He looked up at me today and said, “Honey?” I didn’t respond right away, so he said, “Chris?”  I told him that Chris was Daddy’s name, like his name was Isaiah.  He thought about this and then pointed to the dog and said, “An’ that’s Chester.”

Isaiah loves the Thomas the Tank Engine TV show.  He knows all the names of all the trains (and, unfortunately, so do I).  This morning, I put a red shirt on him and told him it was red, like James the train.  He pointed to my blue sweatshirt and said, “I’s Thomas.”  He was right, Thomas is a blue train.

Last night, he was not staying in bed like he was supposed to.  Chris went in his room to lay him down again, and Isaiah asked if Chris was going to punish him.  Chris told him that he was going to show him mercy and explained what that meant.  Isaiah said, “Mercy…?  Percy!”  He rhymed mercy with the name of one of the Thomas trains!

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