Lonely… Except for the Roaches

This week Chris took some of our youth to LA for their missions trip to the Dream Center.  This is the longest we’ve ever been apart… a whole week!  It’s not much fun.  We can’t talk much because they’re so busy, so I really miss him.

Isaiah doesn’t seem sad, but you can tell he realizes Chris is gone.  He misses Chris’ authority.  He’s doing the craziest stuff around the house and has an attitude a lot.  He unzipped the throw pillows and pulled a bunch of stuffing out.  He spit chocolate on my sheets (I don’t think it was on purpose).  He climbed up on his dresser and managed to knock his stereo off on the floor.  Weird stuff!  It’s like he’s protesting.  But it’s wearing me out, because I’m constantly having to correct him.

On the 4th, our Pastor and his wife had us over for their family BBQ.  It was nice to talk to adults again!  Pastor and his son had a bunch of legal fireworks that they set off once it got dark.  Isaiah loved them!  The loud ones startled him, so I kept my hands over his ears.  When they were really loud and bright, he’d pull the blanket he was wrapped in, up around his nose.  We’d ask him if he liked the fireworks and he’d say, “Yeah, I yike it.”  He had a lot of fun!

I think we have cockroaches!  I thought our area was too cold for them, but a couple of weeks ago, Chris found a huge roach over at the church.  I’ve noticed these little bugs off and on and I thought it was weird, because they always spray for bugs at our house.  I just figured it was a couple random things that got in.  Then, the other night my phone woke me up at 2:30 AM wanting to be charged.  When I got up, I turned the light on in the kitchen and their were a bunch of bugs crawling around.  They were brown and about as big as a couple of grains of rice put together.  I’ve only ever seen big cockroaches, so I called Chris the next morning and asked how small cockroaches started out as.  He said, “really small,” so that must be what they are.

The church is having our pest people come out and spray special, which will be a big ordeal, because I have to take everything out of the cupboards and we have to leave the house for 2-4 hours.  But at least it will be taken care of.  I told Pastor how the neighbors that live between the church and the parsonage stack up their garbage for a couple months and then pile it all into a pickup and take it to the dump.  He said that’s where the roaches would come from (and the rat we saw and the mice we had!).  He’s going to have his secretary call the health department and complain, because I don’t want to have to be the mean one.  I love living in the parsonage, because they take good care of us!

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