Kid Stuff

Isaiah is on a really interesting new schedule.  We had an evangelist at church a couple weeks ago, so Isaiah ended up getting into bed late a lot.  Ever since then, we lay him down at his normal time, but he doesn’t go to sleep.  He just plays in his bed and we hear him talking.  Usually he doesn’t fuss, unless he drops one of his stuffed animals out of bed.  The weird part is, he doesn’t actually go to sleep until 10 or 10:30!  Then he sleeps in until 10:30 the next morning and doesn’t take a nap until 2:30 (he used to go down for a nap at 11)  I just can’t decide if I like this or not.  It’s great having my mornings to myself, but I’m afraid the staying up late at night thing will end up backfiring on us somehow.

Yesterday, Isaiah wanted to play outside.  I went out through the patio door to clean up the backyard (the joys of having a dog!).  When I was going to come back in the house, I discovered that Isaiah had locked the patio door!  I didn’t know he knew how to do this.  I tried to tell him through the door to unlock it, but I don’t think he understood what I was asking him. So there I was with no keys and no phone and all the doors to the house locked.  Thankfully we live right next to the church and thankfully Chris was there!  I walked over as fast as I could and got him to let me in.  Isaiah was happily playing like nothing was wrong.  He’s getting too smart for my good!

Adventures never cease at our house!  Last night, Chris and I were watching TV and Isaiah was playing in the kitchen.  He had been out of our line of vision and very quiet for about 10 minutes, so I went to check on him.  As soon as I entered the room, he scrambled off the kitchen chair he’d been sitting on and in his most innocent voice he kept exclaiming, “Mmmmmm… good!”  Chris had left a box of food coloring out and each of the little bottles was lined up on the table with their tops off.  Right about this time, Chris, who was still in the other room, started saying, “Babe, why are his lips blue?  Why are his lips blue?!”  I couldn’t even explain it… I just started laughing and told him to come and see.  The whole time, Isaiah kept saying, “Mmmmmm… good!”

While I was away last week, Chris tried a new discipline technique with Chester.  We’d heard that if dogs are misbehaving you should squirt them with a water spray bottle.  I’d never really believed it, but Chris tested it out.  It is amazing!  Chester is a new dog.  All we have to say is, “water bottle!” and he stops what he is doing or drops whatever he has stolen.  If only we’d tried this a year and a half ago, what a peaceful year and a half it would have been!

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