
When we were in Mexico with our youth this summer, the missionary took us to the most amazing taco stand.  Our whole team is still talking about those tacos.  We got a “hot tip” that a taqueria here in Salinas made tacos very similar to those in Mexico.  We tried the place out last night and it was all true.  The tacos were almost exactly the same and so good.  It could become very addictive.

Now, if you are saying a taco is a taco, you are wrong.  These tacos are made from shredded pork, chicken, or beef.  They have fresh cilantro and onion on top with some salsa.  And they come on two little tortillas, about half the size of regular tortillas.  I’m sure there are lots of other little details that make them good, but those are the main points.  Y’all will just have to come to Salinas and try them sometime.

I have a confession.  I bet on a card game.  I hope that isn’t a “mortal sin” .  Before anyone panics, let me explain.  Chris and I bought a game of Skip-Bo when we first got married.  I had never played so it took me a few months to really get the hang of it (I’m a slow learner).  So Chris used to always win.  All of sudden I started to win and nothing could stop me.  My poor husband wins probably 1 out of 10 games.  So he doesn’t really like to play Skip-Bo anymore.  Last night, against his better judgment, he pulled out the Skip-Bo cards.  I won the first game and he won the second.  Of course we had to play a tie breaker.  I was teasing him and saying I was going to win.  Somehow or other, we ended up betting a whole day of diaper changes for whoever lost.  I wanted to back out, because a whole day of diaper changes was too great a price.  But no!  Chris insisted we stick to the bet.  When all was said and done, guess who won?  Me!  I’m sure glad we stuck to that bet… I’ve got a day of leisure coming to me .

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