Sun Lovin’

My daughter is a crazy eater. When Isaiah was a baby, we would give him the lemon slices out of our water, just to get a laugh at the faces he’d make. When we tried this with Leah, she liked them! She’ll literally sit at a restaurant gnawing on a lemon slice. She recently discovered dipping, which is understandable with ketchup, but it still surprises me when it’s salsa she’s begging for.

The latest weird food thing Leah has tried really shocked me. She was underfoot in the kitchen while I was trying to cook dinner. Leah really loves food, so when I cook she begs for bites. She kept whining and reaching her hands up toward the counter. The only thing up there was a couple of onion slices, so I thought I’d let her try one and maybe she’d quit nagging me. She popped the slice in her mouth and started to chew. It didn’t seem to faze her and she reached up and asked for another slice and then ran off happily. I found the slices later, with most of the pulp (not sure if that’s the right term) chewed off and just the skin part left.

We’ve had a couple of beautiful days, so we have been getting reacquainted with our deck. We got some plastic chairs last year and now Chris got a little outdoor table to add to them. He also got the kids a baby picnic table. They’ve eaten every meal outside today, and so did I, come to think of it!

With all of the in and out of the house, Chester somehow caught his foot under the door frame. He let out a couple of yips, which is something he rarely does (one of the only other times he’s done a pain yelp was when I squished his tail in the bathroom door when he was a baby). He limped for a second after he pulled it free and I was fussing over him, saying stuff like, “Oh baby! Are you OK?” He came right over by me and jumped in my lap (again, something he does not do!). It’s as if even the dog knows that Mama is the best at kissing boo-boos.

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