Road Rage

There’s a way to drive on my street and a way not to drive. If you do it right, traffic moves along, people stay safe, and everyone gets where they need to go. If you do it wrong, it makes me mad.

My philosophy is, “If you don’t know how to drive here, go home.” Is that so much to ask?

It’s a four lane road. People generally drive in the left lane and use the right lane for parking and going around a left turner. Pretty simple.

However, there are lights above each lane that sometimes change the function of that lane. If people ignore these signals, it causes “confusion and delay,” as Thomas the Train would say. I mean, they’re big glowing lights! In bright colors! It’s really not complicated.

Another thing people ignore is the very informative parking sign. It’s simple. Do not park on the street from 7 AM to 9 AM. Do not park on the street from 4 PM to 6 PM. Why? Because if the traffic lights have changed the left lane into a turning lane and you are parked in the right lane, there is no where to drive. This annoys other drivers (me).

So my new favorite sight is the white “parking patrol” car. My heart fills with glee when I see it stopped behind a car that is still parked on the street at 4:04 PM. If I wasn’t driving myself, I’d rub my hands together and giggle evilly.  That’s what you get for obstructing traffic. Justice is served!

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