Purse Problems

I’ve got an empty ache.

It’s restless, angsty feeling that keeps nagging.

I need a new purse.

I mean, I like my current purse. I do. But things about it are starting to bother me.

It slides off my shoulder at all the wrong moments (like while I’m holding a cup of coffee). And when it does bother to say on my shoulder, it’s just deep enough that my fingers don’t quite reach the bottom. The strap has a buckle on it that keeps catching my hair and pulling it, which I think is just mean. And as much as I love how big it is, I honestly can’t ever find anything. At all.

The problem is, I don’t know what kind of purse I want. So I can’t just go buy a new one. Because purses are very particular.

It has to be big, so that I can carry my kids’ McDonalds toys and extra packs of fruit snacks. And my husband’s keys. And water bottles. And my son’s DS and a notepad for Leah to draw in. So… big.

But it can’t be as big as the current one I have.

It needs just the right size pocket on the inside, to hold my cell phone (So I don’t lose it in the bottom with the pens and receipts and candy the kids collected at the St. Patrick’s parade). And another pocket to hold my keys, or I’ll lose them too.

And it has to not look like a mom-purse. I may be 30 and a mom, but I sure don’t have to advertise it with my purse.

It must be a color that goes with EVERYTHING. Because that whole, “match your purse to your outfit” thing? That doesn’t happen for me. I’m usually flying out of the house 5 minutes after I was supposed to have the kids at school. So changing bags to coordinate with my shoes isn’t a high priority.

It’s so hard, people. So hard to solve.

Hence, I’m left here longing for something, but not knowing what that something is. And until I discover it, I’ll just go on feeling angsty and unsettled.

If you work it, there’s probably a spiritual application right there. But really, I just want a new purse.

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5 thoughts on “Purse Problems

  1. Kat Griesbach says:

    So hard people. So hard to solve. Ah yes. I have an ostrich leather bag ( small, black, nicely put together.) it will go with jeans or dressed to the nines. i paid too much for it at the time, i thought, but it was the right bag in the end. my most enduring bag.

    You are busy. You live an artful and engaging life. Carefully consider each purchase. If you are fishing, you want the right tackle box which you fill with just what you need to get the job done with speed and precision.

    You can apply most anything to fishing and end up with a fashion statement.

  2. I to am in need of a new purse and ready to nix the diaper bag.
    This shops have nice big non mom like bags :) http://www.etsy.com/shop/fromnancy?ref=seller_info

    And this might help with not loosing things in the bottom. I like the idea and am taking the necessary steps to making my life this much easier as well. i am totally not organized and am always leaving 5 (ok maybe 10) minutes late too! but I will give it a try:)

    Don’t know you style but hope it helps your search :)

      • Hannah says:

        Thanks for the tips! Truth is, I’ve been recycling old purses, which is about as low as a woman can go. So I’m still hunting!

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