Not For the Weak of Stomach

I’m not sure if you need a strong stomach for this blog, or for parenthood… both I guess.

Isaiah got sick yesterday.  He’s been sick before, but never SICK-sick.  It all started with the poop that wouldn’t stop.  I laid him down for a nap, but he never got to sleep because he kept coming to his door saying, “Poo-poo!”  I must have changed at least 10 diapers in a 2 hour time slot.

Finally I let him get up, because he was getting so frustrated with having to stay in his room.  He really couldn’t get to sleep when he had to have his diaper changed every 20 minutes.  He sat down on the couch to watch a movie.  I went in the kitchen to get him something to eat, when  I heard him start to cry and call me, all panicked.  I went in by him, but couldn’t see what was wrong at first.  I was still investigating, when everything that was still in his stomach… was no longer in his stomach.

He got upset, because he’s never thrown up before, so he didn’t know what was happening.  I put him in the tub and attempted to clean up the couch.  At least it was only the ugly family room couch.  Unless I can find some amazing cleaning product, I’m thinking that couch is going to end up in the garbage!

I got Isaiah all cleaned up and during this process Chris had come home from work (thank the Lord!).  He went and got Isaiah some Sprite.  Isaiah loved the Sprite, but the Sprite wasn’t so fond of him.  Hence the couch was bathed in stomach contents AGAIN (this is why I say it will probably end up in the garbage)!

So try to imagine explaining to a little boy who is not quite 3 why he can’t have milk, ice cream, or any other food item he asks for, even the Sprite that is supposed to be for him.  Poor little guy was so thirsty that he was begging for a sip of my coffee.  I’m serious!  He cried because I wouldn’t give it to him.  At that point, we decided to try the Sprite again.  This time it stayed down!

He took a nap after that and when he got up, he managed to keep more Sprite down.  He was still pretty crabby because he wasn’t feeling good, but he was definitely on the mend.  We put him to bed and he slept until about 4 AM when he woke up with a fever.

For daytime fevers there is always plenty of Tylenol sitting around, but it is a rule of parenting, that you will discover you have run out of children’s Tylenol when your child gets a fever in the middle of the night.  Did you know that children’s cough syrup has fever reducer in it?  We found out last night!  Parenting breeds creativity.

Isaiah is doing a lot better today.  He still is pretty much only having liquids, but he is more cheerful.  Right now he is watching a Thomas the Tank Engine movie and quoting it word for word with the narrator.

On a totally different subject, it is interesting that you can’t fully appreciate tourist attractions that you live right by.  We like to go to Cannery Row in Monterey once in a while.  The ocean is pretty, Bubba Gumps is a fun place to eat, we like to get candy at the old fashioned candy shops, and there’s a Starbucks readily available.  But I still can’t figure out what the attraction is!  Whenever we go, there are tons of tourists, many of them European.  What do they do there?  You could visit all the shops in a day and eat at a good portion of the restaurants within a couple days.  But that’s hardly enough to bring someone all the way from Europe.

Chris and I discuss this topic every time we are in Monterey (in between saying “annoying tourists”).  The other night there were so many tourists out on the sidewalks, we could hardly get through to Starbucks.  There was a big clump of people standing on the corner doing absolutely nothing.  They were looking around and pointing at who knows what, and just standing there!  So that’s what we’ve concluded everyone comes to Monterey to do: stand on the corner, and look around, and block the way to Starbucks!

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