Grocery Shopping is Scary

My husband is in Wisconsin, working on our house there.  It’s very lonely around here without him.  I’ve had enough “me time” to last a while.  It’s only been two days, but I’ve pretty much exhausted all the things I want to do.  And all the things I should do, I don’t feel like doing.  Who wants to clean the house when you are the only adult who will see it?  I really miss my Baby!  It hasn’t been all bad, though.  I’ve watched a lot of chick-flics .

I’m a sucker for any storyline that is an adaptation of Jane Austin’s marvelous Pride and Prejudice.  I even watched the one by the Mormon’s (Yes, you read that right –it was a modern day version where all the character’s were… Mormons.  Very weird concept, but at least it was clean thanks to Mormon “morality.”)  So with Chris away, I had to see Bride and Prejudice. I was a little skeptical before hand, but it was surprisingly fun.  The Bennet family is a modern day Indian family (with Indian names of course), Bingly is a British Indian, Whickam is British, and Darcy is… an AMERICAN!  I know it sounds like something that would make Jane Austin roll over in her grave, but it actually worked.

Setting the story of Pride and Prejudice in modern times normally falls a little flat (even when the Mormons do it ) mainly because our modern culture doesn’t comprehend the formality of life, the fixation with getting married or the class system that existed in Jane Austin’s world.  However, these concepts fit more naturally into the Indian culture, which apparently still practices arranged marriages at times.  The movie did an excellent job of capturing the heart of Jane Austin’s story, making just the right changes, so that it did not feel as if they were pounding a round storyline into a square movie.

I haven’t just watched movies.  I also went grocery shopping with Isaiah today.  Normally I don’t go grocery shopping on Sundays (in a skirt), and I found out why.  I stopped by my favorite little store to grab a few things.  I’ve gone at a lot of different times and there has never more than 10 people in the store at a time.  But today it was crawling with people… weird people.

When I first entered the store, one of the workers greeted me.  Then he said, “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?”  I know in theory that is a pick-up line, so whenever someone says it to me, my first reaction is, “Weirdo alert!  Run for your life!”  But sometimes people actually use these words while asking an honest question, and since the guy was working, I figured that was all it was.  So I answered him:

Me:  Well, I shop here a lot.
Guy: No… no… Ahhh! You look like a girl who used to work here.
Me: No, I never worked here (Thinking: Give up, already!)
Guy: No, I know that.  You just look like her.  Her name was Megan! Do you know a Megan?
Me: No, I don’t. (trying to be nice)
Guy: When you first walked in I thought, that’s Megan. She looked like you. She was slim like you. (Makes gesture in the air like he’s drawing a figure)

I said some more non-committal things, assuring him I knew no Megans and tried to delicately get away.  He reluctantly dropped the subject.  My slimness made me look like “Megan”? Whatever.  As if that hadn’t been weird enough, I was grabbing my milk out of the cooler and guess who was working behind the milk?  He said, “Oh!  It’s you again!”  I said, “Yes, it is.” and shut the door.  Some people don’t give up while they’re ahead.

So he might have been harmless, but then I get in the checkout line.  The guy in the line next to us starts trying to carry on a conversation with me about Isaiah.  For some reason, you put a baby in your cart and everyone becomes your best friend.  He was kind of odd, but friendly enough.

As I finished paying, I realized that he is in the next lane arguing with the cashier and a manager.  He wanted to return some chips and apparently they were unable to take them back (Probably some CA law about returning food).  He apparently refused to leave until he got his money back.  He said something about calling the police, so the manager said she would go call the police about him.  She left and the cashier argued with him some more, saying, “We can’t take it back.  We can’t give you your money back.  Just leave.  Just leave!”  Then another manager came up and told him he could come back and talk to the owner tomorrow.  The guy refused and said he was going to stand right there until he got his money back.  It couldn’t have been more than $5.00!  No one was yelling, but the situation was tense, mainly because the guy was obviously crazy and who knows what he was going to do next.  I got out as quick as I could… before something got ugly.

So the moral of my story is, don’t shop on Sundays, wearing a skirt, with a baby in your cart.  If you do, all of the weirdos will talk to you.  I just need my husband back home to protect me!

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