I’m not very faithful in reading other people’s blogs (except my husband’s, but that’s probably only because he’s so cute). But John Mark McMillan always has such interesting blog titles that he’s snared me in more than once. Besides, it’s a safe bet that, loving his lyrics as much as I do, I’m bound to be intrigued by his other writing as well. Today was no exception and I wanted to pass an excerpt on to you:
Jesus isn’t exactly so safe himself: He might spit in your eyes (Mark 8:23), he might call you a dog (Matt 15:26), he may ask you to do things that you can’t do (Matt 14:29), he might bring 120 gallons of wine to a party where people have been drinking all day (John 2), he may lead you to open sea in a storm (Mark 4:37), he might change your life then ask you not to tell any one (Luke 8:56), he and his friends might get arrested (John 18:12), he might offend your friends (John 6:66), he might insult the “righteous” people (Matt 23:27), he might let guilty people off the hook (John 8:10-11), he might offend his own family members (Luke 8:19-21, 14:26), he might hang out with people you don’t like (Luke 19:7), he might start a riot (John 2:15), he might use toilet speak to support a spiritual principle (Mark 7:20), he might tell you that what you’ve believed your whole life is wrong (John 3), he might use offensive language at the dinner table (Luke 11).
I like that. Jesus did what the Father was doing regardless of how it appeared to others, regardless of who it bothered. I wonder what would happen if I lived like that?
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